Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Church and Politics: A Rant

I love America as a nation. I believe that we should respect and honor our flag and the other symbols of our nation. That said, I have a problem with the current way in which most Christians relate to politics. Where is the Love?
I do not mean to be trite or passe in my examination of Christian politics, I simply want to make a few observations.
1. Where in scripture does it teach us to impose our moral standards on our society? Are we supposed to make our society, even our country, into a moralistic, legalistic, democracy?
I would humbly propose that we are not commanded to moralize our country, but we are in fact called to lovingly evangelize our country. What America needs right now are not more hypocritical, bible-toting politicians, but more men and women in politics whose lives have been changed by the cross of Jesus Christ. We do not need another "Moral Majority", we do not even need a "Christian Coalition". What we need are men and women of biblical conviction to lovingly seek to make this country better.

2. (I'm gonna make some of you angry with me.)
How is it loving, in our cultural context to fight for the legal rights of the unborn?
Now, before you all try to excommunicate me, let me explain what I'm saying.
I believe its a gross injustice that 45,000 human beings are murdered every year. I believe that abortion is one of the single most heinous crimes going on in America today. However, that said, I believe that the way in which we our attempting to end the injustice is wrong. While I do believe that the Roe v. Wade decision was wrong and should be overturned, I think we are fighting this battle from the wrong direction. Rather than pouring billions into lobbyists and ad campaigns, what if we poured billions into crisis pregnancy centers and women's shelters? What if we fought for life one women at a time, instead of one law at a time? The problem I see, is that if we merely try to overturn a federal ruling, how are we loving individual people? Most women don't understand why we are fighting against their "right" to choose abortion. What if instead of condemning women for having abortions, we showed them beating hearts, and the effects of abortions on others. How would we be perceived then, if we simply loved them? This whole train of the thought leads me to my final thought.

3. What would happen if Christians were known by what we love and not by what we hate?
What would happen if we were known for loving women or for loving homosexuals? What if we sought to lovingly change what one person at a time? Instead of spending billions to legislate against abortion or gay marriage, what if we poured that money into one-on-one relational ministry, what if we supported people and programs to help pregnant women and gays find answers? I'm not saying we should condone abortion or homosexual acts, but I find it troubling that so many who do not condone those actions portray themselves as if they hate those involved in these sins.
So thats me political rant for the day. Stay tuned.


Unknown said...

1. I would clarify that the morality of the nation will rise only after it has been properly evangelized.

2. I agree ... to a point. Yes, we certainly do need to get the word out to let women know what abortion really is. This is a fight to which I am dedicated. That being said I think we are right to push for legal reform. A similar situation could be likened to the Nazi's. They were systematically killing people every day. We could have spent all of our efforts trying to convince them through logical, rational arguments that what they were doing was wrong, but not all would listen. The injustice would continue, that's why legal reform is also vastly important because it does to a large extent stop the injustice. Legal reform and persuasion - they, I believe, can go together. It's not an either/or situation.

Anonymous said...

You mean Jesus isn't Republican? Oh no! You mean this nation is not a Christian nation? My world is totally shaken now. Where should I go? I MUST LIVE IN A CHRISTIAN ENVIRONMENT!

Good stuff man. You knew I'd love it though.


Tim said...

thanks, I thought you would approve

I agree with your agreement to a point.
I think that if we took half of the money poured into lobbyists and lawyers, and put it toward shelters and pregnancy centers, we would see a drastic drop over a couple of year period in abortions.
I'm a little concerned that most people think that the best way to win is legislation. Thats all I was getting at.

The Vision?

The vision is Jesus: obsessively, dangerously, undeniably Jesus.
The vision is an army of young people.
You see bones? They are an army.
And they are free from materialism. They laugh at the markets.
They hardly care! They wear clothes like costumes:
to show and to tell, but never to hide.
They know the meaning of the Matrix; the way the West was won.
They are mobile like the wind; they belong to the nations.
They need no passport.
People write their addresses in pencil and wonder at their strange existence.
They are free, yet they are slaves of the hurting and dirty and dying.

What is the vision?
The vision is holiness that hurts the eyes.
It makes children laugh and adults break and cry.
It scorns the good and strains for the best. It is dangerously pure.
This is an army that will lay down its life for the cause.
A million times a day its soldiers choose to lose that they might win, one day
the great "Well done" of faithful sons and daughters.
Such heroes are as radical on Monday morning as Sunday night.
They don't need fame from names. Instead they grin quietly upwards
and hear the crowds chanting again and again: "COME ON!"

And this is the sound of the underground
The whisper of history shaping
Foundations shaking
Revolutionaries dreaming once again
Mystery is screaming in whispers
Conspiracy is breathing...
This is the sound of the underground.

And the army is disciplined.
Young people who beat their bodies into submission.
Every soldier would take a bullet for his comrades at arms.
The tattoo on their backs boasts "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Sacrifice fuels the fire of victory in their eyes.
Winners. Martyrs. Who can stop them?
Can failure succeed? Can fear scare them or death kill them?
And this generation prays like a dying man with groans beyond
talking, with warrior cries, sulphuric tears
Waiting. Watching: 24 - 7 - 365.
Whatever it takes they will give: Breaking the rules.
Shaking mediocrity from its cozy little hide.
Laying down their rights and their precious little wrongs,
laughing at labels, fasting essentials.

The advertisers cannot mold them.
Hollywood cannot hold them.
Peer-pressure is powerless
to shake their resolve
Material clothes matter not
Would they surrender their image or their popularity?
They would lay down their very lives,
swap seats with the man on death row;
guilty as hell.
A throne for an electric chair.
With blood and sweat and many tears,
with sleepless nights and fruitless days,
they pray as if it all depends on God
and live as if it all depends on them.

Their words make demons scream in shopping malls.
Don't you hear them coming?
Here come the frightened and forgotten, with fire in their eyes.
Their prayers summon the hounds of heaven and invoke the ancient dream of Eden.

And this is the sound of the underground
The whisper of history shaping
Foundations shaking
Revolutionaries dreaming once again
Mystery is screaming in whispers
Conspiracy is breathing...
This is the sound of the underground.